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by Tom McCullough
Many who have observed a powerlifting meet have said out of the three lifts
the deadlift is the most awesome and impressive looking of the three. Many
times a superior deadlift means the difference between first and second place
in competition. This is why powerlifters say, "The competition isn't over
until the bar touches the floor." The deadlift combines overall strength,
explosiveness, and power. It is one of the few lifts where you have no idea
what the weight feels like until you start the pull. This means proper
mental preparation is necessary to move those heavy singles.
The deadlift is not just for powerlifters. As you will find, this
exercise will build overall body mass more quickly than any other single
exercise. Many weight lifters are afraid to try this mass building exercise,
and have seen some pretty bad form used by the few who utilize this
The Stance
There are two types of deadlift stances being used today: the
conventional style and the sumo style. With the conventional style the
lifter takes a stance about shoulder's width and the arm will hang straight
outside the knees. This stance utilizes more of the quads and low back...so
keep those hips down and that back straight. The second stance is sumo.
Sumo stance is a position any where from past shoulder's width to a more
extreme wide stance. Of course the arms will hang inside the knees. as you
can see, the sumo stance gets the lifter a little closer to the floor so the
bar actually has less distance to travel. Also the lifter is starting in
more of a half squat position. As we all know you can half squat much more
than full squat. With this stance more of the stress is taken off the low
back and put on the hips and glutes. Which stance is the best...well world
records have been set by lifters using both stances. This subject could be
discussed to the end of time, so my suggestion is to try both styles and see
which is the best for your body type.
Feet and Shin Position
Feet should point out to a 45 degree angle. The shins should be two to
three inches from the bar and then when you actually bend down, the shins
will touch the bar. Most of the weight will be on the heels of the feet just
like the squat. During ascent the bar will travel as close to the leg and
shins as possible.
Hand Position
With either stance a reverse grip should be used. That is with one hand
supinated and the other pronated. This will help keep the bar in your hand.
Do not use a hook grip...hold the bar high up on the palm to
compensate for any roll of the bar when pulling the weight up. The grip
should start with the index finger and the little finger bordering the
knurling in the middle of the bar. If you are having trouble with the weight
twisting the body to one side or banging the shins, try moving the opposite
hand in to the middle just slightly to compensate.
Head Placement and Where To Look
Just like the form for squats, the head should be up, the hips down, and the
back flat. I can't over emphasize the importance of this bit of advice,
simply because it will help the lifter avoid low back injuries. By keeping
the hips down, the stress is taken off the low back and put on the more
powerful quadriceps. Keeping the eyes and head up, aids in keeping the spine
in proper position.
The Belt
The belt is utilized to maintain lumbar integrity through ascent and descent.
Get a belt that is as wide in the front as in the back. Refrain from
wearing a belt during lighter sets. Try to only wear a belt for near-maximal
and maximal sets or the heavy work sets. The beltless sets allow the deep
adominal muscles to receive a training stimulus without placeing excessive
compressive forces on the spine disks. The lifting belt should be worn as
low on the hip as possible. It is not necessary to have it super tight, but
just snug. This will enable the abdominal muscles to maintain adequate
pressure to keep the spine in proper position.
Lifting Suits
Lifting suits are another necessity for big deadlifts. They are not only a
safety aid but they actually enable you to train with heavier weights by
adding extra support to the hips and glutes. There are many different brands
of lifting suits on the market. Try several different brands until you have
found a suit that you like. I personally have found that the brands with the
locking legs work best. This feature will prevent the bottom of the suit
from sliding up on the leg when you deadlift. Thus, losing some support. It
is recommended that very tight suits be used for those that sumo lift and a
looser suit for the conventional stance deadlifters.
When To Use A Lifting Suit: Once you start getting into the sets of five
repetitions, put on a suit. I like to use three different suits. One that
is a little loose fitting, one that is tight fitting, and a contest suit that
is a size or two too small. The lifting suit should get tighter as the
weights go up and the repetitions go down. So you would use the loose
fitting suit for the sets of five and the contest suit for your heaviest sets
and contest. The heavier the weight the more support you will need. Many
experienced lifters even leave the straps of the suit down until they start
doing singles.
Warning: Always check you squat suit for tears or runners. Do not
deadlift in a suit that that may possibly rip or "blow out." When the suit
blows out all support will suddenly be lost. This could possibly cause you
to completely loose control of the bar and even fall with the weight. The
chance of injury is not worth the price of a new suit.
Foot Apparel
The closer the lifter is to the floor, the less distance the bar must be
pulled. Thus, less total work and possibly more weight lifted.
Many lifters prefer to deadlift in their socks or a thin slipper. Neither of
these two provide very much traction. It is very possible that the lifter
may slip. Another popular shoe is the wrestling shoe. The wrestling shoe
has a very thin sole, has good traction, and also provides ankle support. In
my opinion this is the better choice of foot apparel.
Most lifters use a magnesium carbonate chalk when deadlifting. The chalk
will help to maintain a tight grip on the bar. It is highly recommended that
the hands lightly chalked to prevent any slipping of the bar. Too much chalk
may actually cause more slipping resulting in skin tears to the palm. Many
lifters use powder on the thighs to cut some of the friction that is
encountered when the bar is pulled up the leg. DO NOT use hand chalk. It
will only make the friction problem worse, so use baby powder for the thighs.
A Word On Training
There is no place for touch and go repetitions when doing the deadlift. If
you are going to do reps, treat each rep as a single. Slowly set the bar to
the floor, reset, and pull again. Another word of warning, this is a very
safe mass building exercise when done in correct form. Remember....keep the
head and eyes up, the shoulders back, the back flat, and the hips down.
Psyche your self up really well, let out a mighty yell and pull like crazy!
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